Links to books, essays, and excerpts will be added as they become available. Click on a title in color to go to that journal or article online.* 

Celebrate the Wounded Healer Psychotherapist, Beware the Wounding Healer, Sharon Farber, ed, (Routledge, 2017) is an anthology published in 2017. My essay, “My Hand on Her Shoulder” appears as one of the chapters.

Show Me All Your Scars is an anthology published by InFact Books in June 2016.  My essay "One of Those" is included.  It's adapted from Chapter 22 of the memoir.

Columbia Medical Review - Medicine in Context, Vol.1, Issue 1, has recently launched.  My essay "All About Us: Acknowledging mental illness, psychotherapy, stigma and shame" is included.

Same Time Next Week is an anthology published by InFact Books in May 2015.  My essay "What Would My Mother Say?" is included.

"Fifty-four Weeks?"  appears with an interview in the 2015 winter issue of r.kv.r.y.   

The Santa Fe Writers Project Journal includes an interview and excerpt from the book.

"Good Humor" appears in The Southern Humanities Review spring 2014.  It was listed as Notable in the 2015 Best American Essays.

"The Other Chair" appears in the winter 2013 issue of Literal Latte.  It won first place in the 2012 Literal Latte Eames Essay Prize.

"The Crazy One" and an interview appear in the Bellevue Literary review 2012 prize issue.  It was listed as Notable in the 2013 Best American Essays.*

Journal of Clinical Psychology - In Session, Vol. 67, Number 8, August 2011, “Let’s Talk: A Narrative of Mental Illness, Recovery, and the Psychotherapist’s Personal Treatment.”

I think of the Healing Muse as my literary home, where my first piece was published.  "Shocked" was published in 2008 and "Undercover Agent" in 2011.*

*2019 Note: I discovered that my earliest essays are no longer available through their publisher’s website. I’ll add them directly once I am able.